Critical Incident Stress Management
© 2023 UPcismTRAINING - Manistique, Michigan


Jay Martin, M.Div, D.Min, CCISM

Jay served as a pastor in Manistique for 42 years. During that time he served as a behavioral health crisis counselor and was a licensed social worker. He has served as a board member for community mental health since 1984. He served as a chaplain with the Michigan State Police for 17 years and became a chaplain for the Schoolcraft County Sheriff’s Department in 2015. Jay was trained in Critical Incident Stress Management in 1995 and has participated in the Eastern Upper Peninsula Crisis Response Team since that time. He currently serves as the Chair of EUPCRT which covers Chippewa, Mackinac, Schoolcraft, and Delta counties for CISM services. The team also occasionally assists other areas of the state when CISM services are requested. Since first beginning with CISM training, Jay has taken more than 25 different ICISF courses. He realized that many CISM team members in the UP do not have the opportunity to pursue additional courses so he decided to become an ICISF approved instructor to make trainings more accessible in the UP. To that end, Jay has become an instructor in the courses you will find listed on the “courses” page. He has a passion to make ICISF trainings available to as many people as might be interested and willing.
Critical Incident Stress Management
© 2023 UPcismTraining - 906 286 2839


Jay Martin, M.Div, D.Min, CCISM

Jay served as a pastor in Manistique for 42 years. During that time he served as a behavioral health crisis counselor and was a licensed social worker. He has served as a board member for community mental health since 1984. He served as a chaplain with the Michigan State Police for 17 years and became a chaplain for the Schoolcraft County Sheriff’s Department in 2015. Jay was trained in Critical Incident Stress Management in 1995 and has participated in the Eastern Upper Peninsula Crisis Response Team since that time. He currently serves as the Chair of EUPCRT which covers Chippewa, Mackinac, Schoolcraft, and Delta counties for CISM services. The team also occasionally assists other areas of the state when CISM services are requested. Since first beginning with CISM training, Jay has taken more than 25 different ICISF courses. He realized that many CISM team members in the UP do not have the opportunity to pursue additional courses so he decided to become an ICISF approved instructor to make trainings more accessible in the UP. To that end, Jay has become an instructor in the courses you will find listed on the “courses” page. He has a passion to make ICISF trainings available to as many people as might be interested and willing.
Critical Incident Stress Management
Critical Incident Stress Management